Grid Theory Today

Golden Ratio/Faboccini Sequence Found In Nature

Josef Müller-Brockmann, graphic designer (author of Grid Systems in Graphic Design): “The grid system is an aid, not a guarantee. It permits a number of possible uses and each designer can look for a solution appropriate to his personal style. But one must learn how to use the grid; it is an art that requires practice.”

Grid Theory helps to create beauty in not only Applications & Websites but has also been used in the art world frequently. The Renaissance period’s art used The Golden Ratio frequently because it was found in nature so often, they thought of it to be mathematical divinity. Roses, Sunflowers, Seashells, and chameleons demonstrate these numbers. Faboccini Sequence often occurs naturally in nature as well.

‘Mona Lisa’ Golden Ratio/Faboccini Sequence

Knowing how to apply to grids in an effective manner helps to direct people’s attention to items we would like for them to focus on. This also creates a subconsciously pleasing experience that is easy on the eyes. This effect works similar in concept to Feng Shui and how the arrangement of items can interfere with our emotions subconsciously. Negative examples of this effect can be explored by examining how people process messy, dirty, and confined spaces. Living in disorganized locations has long been known to potentially cause disorganized thoughts. Depression has also been observed. Psychologists acknowledge a clean room can help increase are ability to focus, leading to better test results. Creating Websites that attract attention and help people focus should always be a goal. Reducing options to only items that are crucial at hand also helps people to retain focus by reducing cognitive load.

Using grids creates a familiar product experience that I applied with the rule of thirds. This can be observed in the header navigation bar, if it is viewed as a line. Then cut into thirds to create the 3 bottom navigation tabs for ‘Upcoming Events’ through ‘Find Tickets’. Thus giving this application, The Golden Ratio Number of Divinity ‘1.62’.

Music Ticket – A large percentage of people using this Application/Website will be on the go. This means creating a product experience that can adapt to the demographic’s standards. Direct and quick access to tickets and working around a dim-lit venue is crucial to brand success. Considering the context people will frequently be using your product helps to guide the best decisions for the people using the product.

Created in Adobe XD

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