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Stripped Boards – Bold designs are often found on skateboards, reflecting a fast-moving lifestyle. I thought a street scene would fit this website reasonably well. I modified some patterns I created earlier for the skateboards. Then I built a scene around the skateboards to create movement and cast shadow.

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Typography should complement the design and communicate information effectively. Since there is always something trying to compete for our attention, we tend to respond to items that ask us to pay attention.

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Lines, Shapes & Shadows!

Lines & shapes can help create form in order to communicate what is intended. Using various programs, we can recreate 3D representations of objects using simple lines & shapes. Every line and detail matters to a product being produced physically, we have the freedom to reduce down digitally.

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Combine Design

Piet Zwart (1885 – 1977) mixed in a bold attitude, influenced by two contradicting movements in Art. He took Dada’s playfulness and mixed it with De Stijl’s formalities.

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‘Le Style Mucha’

Biscuit Company display known worldwide as LU Biscuits. Artist Alphonse Mucha (1860-1939) is a Czech artist who moved to Paris at the of 27 to pursue a career as an illustrator.

His unique drawing style and characters adorn pictures, posters, advertisements, lamps, furniture, and jewelry stores. Art Nouveau would often be referred to as…

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Print Of The Time

Johannes Gutenberg helped expand what was possible at the time by taking us from handwriting to moveable type. Access to literature was only available to the upper-class, due to the cost associated with them. He was able to make production cheaper, which made literature available to the masses. Gutenberg trained as a goldsmith, developing metalworking…

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